Use MongoDB
If your application uses an important set of values, you can choose to store them in MongoDB :
- create a database: use databaseName;
- create a user on it: db.createUser({user : "username" ,pwd : "password",roles :["readWrite"]}) ;
In the System Parameters, modify MongoHost, MongoPort, MongoDatabase, MongoUser and MongoPassword
You have now to create a java class in order to make your bundle to listen to the service TimeSerieMongoClientService. In the pom file’s directory of your bundle execute following command:
- mvm clean install
- mvn eclipse:eclipse
Then import the bundle as an eclipse project to add that class which activate the service :
Right click -> Import -> General -> existing project into workspace and specify the folder of your bundle in tomcat/dysoweb.home/application
Create a class Activator in the folder src/main/java:
private BundleContext fContext;
private IApplicationService fApplicationService;
private static Activator fInstance;
private ITimeSeriesMongoClientService fMongoService;
public Activator() {
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
fContext = context;
fInstance = this;
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
fContext = null;
fInstance = null;
public static Activator getDefault() {
return fInstance;
public IApplicationService getApplicationService() {
// retrieve the import service for the running instance
return fApplicationService;
private void registerApplicationServiceListener(BundleContext context) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
// get the service ref if the auth plugin is already started
ServiceReference sr = context.getServiceReference(IApplicationService.class.getName());
if(sr != null) {
fApplicationService = (IApplicationService)context.getService(sr);
ServiceListener sl = new ServiceListener() {
public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent ev) {
ServiceReference sr = ev.getServiceReference();
switch (ev.getType()) {
case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED: {
fApplicationService = (IApplicationService)fContext.getService(sr);
case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING: {
fApplicationService = null;
String filter = "(objectclass="
+ IApplicationService.class.getName() + ")";
context.addServiceListener(sl, filter);
private void registerMongoServiceListener(BundleContext context) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
// get the service ref if the auth plugin is already started
ServiceReference sr = context.getServiceReference(ITimeSeriesMongoClientService.class.getName());
if(sr != null) {
fMongoService = (ITimeSeriesMongoClientService)context.getService(sr);
ServiceListener sl = new ServiceListener() {
public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent ev) {
ServiceReference sr = ev.getServiceReference();
switch (ev.getType()) {
case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED: {
fMongoService = (ITimeSeriesMongoClientService)fContext.getService(sr);
case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING: {
fMongoService = null;
String filter = "(objectclass="
+ ITimeSeriesMongoClientService.class.getName() + ")";
context.addServiceListener(sl, filter);
public ITimeSeriesMongoClientService getMongoService() {
return this.fMongoService;
To solve import errors, edit the pom.xml file:
- add a dependency:
- add an import package:
- add a field bundle-activator after Import-Package mark:
Under src/main/META-INF, edit MANIFEST.MF:
- add com.requea.dynapage.mongo in the section Import-Package
- add the section Bundle-Activator:
Recompile the bundle with the command line mvm eclipse:eclipse
You can now add your bundle by typing that command in the shell platform (under http://localhost:8080/dysoweb/dysoweb/panel/secure/shell.jsp):
start reference:file: /path to the bundle