
Last modified by Pierre Dubois on 2011/10/15 16:29

Elements of navigation

The navigation is organized in pages and menus:

Pages and Menus


A Page is a tab entry in the portal.

It has a name, a title, an index (position in the list of pages) and optionally a menu.

The list of pages is accessible in the menu Design / Pages:

List of Pages

Page Details

Page Visibility

A page is visible if:

  • The user has the right access if an AccessRight has been set on the page
  • The page menu is visible if an menu has been set.

WARNING: If you create a menu for a page, and do not add submenus in it, the menu will not be visible. A menu is visible only if at least one menu entry in it is visible. As a result, a page with an empty menu is not visible.


A menu has menu entries (as sub menus). 

A sub menu may invoke an action.

The Home menu:

Home Menu

Click on the Wrench to edit the menu.

The same menu in edit mode:

Home Menu Edit

A menu entry that call the list action of the custTest entity:

A Menu Entry

Menu visibility

A menu is visible only if at least one sub menu entry in it is visible.
A final menu (a menu with a user action) is visible if the user has access to the action.

Created by Pierre Dubois on 2011/10/15 15:59
Translated into en by Pierre Dubois on 2011/10/15 16:01
This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons 2.0 license
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