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1 The ExcelWorkbook is used to read Excel spread sheets.
2 Those Excel files may be opened for readonly (Readonly workbook) or read / write (Writable Workbook)
4 == Functions ==
5 === loadWorkbook(data, encoding) ===
6 Loads a read only workbook
7 * data Can be either a binary (from an attachment for example) or a file path
8 * encoding. By default, UTF-8. ISO-8859-1 should be used for ISO latin 1 files.
10 @return: A readonly workbook
11 @see: loadWritableWorkbook
12 === createWritableWorkbook(strFileName) ===
13 Creates a new writable Workbook
14 * strFileName The workbook name
16 @return: A writable Workbook
17 === loadWritableWorkbook(data, strOutputFileName, encoding) ===
18 Read a workbook and creates a writable workbook.
19 The filename is just a name. It may not be used as a path to save the Excel sheet.
20 * data May be either a binary (for an attachment) or a file path
21 * filename The output file name
22 * encoding By default, UTF-8. ISO-8859-1 should be used for ISO latin 1 files.
24 @return: A writable workbook
25 example:
26 {{code language="javascript"}}
27 var workbook = ExcelWorkbook.loadWritableWorkbook(data.custFile.sysData, "test.xls", "ISO-8859-1");
28 {{/code}}
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