OSGi Bundles
The REQUEA Platform is based on OSGi. That means:
- applications are packages as OSGi bundles that can be deployed on the platform
- the platform itself is packaged as bundles
- bundles can be added to extend the applications or the platform.
Structure of an OSGi bundle
A bundle is a jar file with a manifest. It provides:
- a symbolic name, which is the identifier of the bundle
- a version number
- a classpath entry that describes java classes that can be loaded by the platform
- dependencies. This is useful to describe which services or classes or even bundles are required by the bundle.
The list of bundles that the platform has started is available on the dysoweb panel:
Create an application bundle
To create an application bundle,
- Go to the Tab Design
- Bundles / Click on new
- Fill in name, creator
- The prefix should be a small (3 letter max) identifier
- Click on submit
- Check that your bundle is on the bundle list: http://localhost:8080/dysoweb/dysoweb/bundles
- Start / stop the bundle from there