Requea Documentation Guide

Version 9.1 by Pierre Dubois on 2011/04/06 17:10

Everything you want to know about the Requea platform, from creating Applications, to Deploying and Administering those apps.

Getting Started

Get the Platform - Installation
Learn how to install the Platform on your machine.

My First Requea App
Create a simple application in a few clicks

Create Apps on the Requea Platform

Architecture and Concepts
A high level description of the concepts.

Entities and Properties
All about objects used in the platform and the document model.

User actions and User interface
How the user interacts with the system.

Code, script and business rules to manage objects and relations

Menus and Navigation
The navigation and menus entries in detail

Users and Security
All about security and how the access to actions and data is controlled.

Reports / JasperReports
Create nice looking reports with iReport / JasperReports and have them generated on the Platform.

Documents - JCR configuration
Use simple document workspaces to track a few documents

Stats, Graphs and Cubes
Generate stats and show graphs based on your data.

Simple workflows for user collaboration and approvals

Extend the platform with java code and have it exposed to operations, workflows, ...

JavaScript Reference
Get the detailed documentation about JavaScript system objects

Build the Platform
Build the platform yourself from the source code

OSGi and Dysoweb
Learn more about Dysoweb, OSGi bundles and how to create bundles

Performance of Requea Applications
Understand performance and possible bottlenecks

Build and Deploy Apps for the Requea Platform

The Requea REPO
Learn about the Requea REPO and how to use it

Creating Projects and Configurations
Learn about the Requea REPO and how to use it

Maven Plugin
Automate your Requea Application builds with the Requea maven plugin

Monitoring of your platforms
Monitor your Requea instances on the Repo

Sizing of Servers and Hardware
Adjust hardware to the load of the application

Administration of a Requea Platform

User rights and Groups
Grant users access rights

Backup and Restore
Make sure your environment is safe

Workflows Administration
Check workflow queues for errors

Solutions Built with the Requea Platform

ITIL Solutions
ITIL Solutions with the Requea Platform

Created by Admin on 2009/09/09 02:00
This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons 2.0 license
XWiki Enterprise 9.11.5 - Documentation