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Pierre Dubois 1.1 1 Business Calendars are used to calculated deadlines and duration based on working hours, hollidays, weekends.
2 A Business calendar is created with a sysGeneralCalendar
4 == Functions ==
5 === getStartDate(date) ===
8 return: gets the next possible starting time for a task, as the next
Pierre Dubois 2.1 9 possible laborable time which could be the same moment or after.
Pierre Dubois 1.1 10 === getDuration(start, end, business) ===
11 Get the duration between two dates
12 * business: true if workings hours, hollidays and week ends should be taken in account
14 === getEndDate(start, length) ===
15 Returns a start date plus an amount of work.
Pierre Dubois 2.1 17 === getDayStart(date) ===
18 Returns the earliest possible start date ignoring the current time of day.
Pierre Dubois 1.1 19
20 === isHoliday(date) ===
Pierre Dubois 2.1 21 Check if a date is a holiday
Pierre Dubois 1.1 22
23 === isLaborable(date) ===
Pierre Dubois 2.1 24 Check if a date is a laborable day (non holiday and has open hours)
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