Business Calendars are used to calculated deadlines and duration based on working hours, hollidays, weekends.
 A Business calendar is created with a sysGeneralCalendar



return: gets the next possible starting time for a task, as the next
         possible laborable time wich could be the same moment or after.

getDuration(start, end, business)

Get the duration between two dates

  • business: true if workings hours, hollidays and week ends should be taken in account

getEndDate(start, length)

Returns a start date plus an amount of work.


Returns the earliest possible start date ignoring the current time of day
 value. This method is usefull for use in UI date calculations.

return: then {@link #getNextPossibleStart(Date)} is used.


Check if a date is a holliday


Check if a date is a labor day

Created by Pierre Dubois on 2011/10/17 08:07
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