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History of XWiki Preferences — revisions from 82.1 to 101.1
From To Version Editor Date Summary
101.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/07/04 19:01
100.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/07/04 18:28
99.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/07/03 18:48
98.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/25 18:05 Upload new attachment Main.ConfigAD.xar
97.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/25 18:04 Upload new attachment Main-1.Security.xar
96.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:41 Upload new attachment Main-1.LayoutDesignDragDrop5D0D0A0D0A0D0A0D0A3D3D3DHowtodisplayapropertyofareferencedentityinamulticolumntable.xar
95.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:37 Upload new attachment Main.Cookbook.xar
94.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:36 Upload new attachment Main-7.WebHome.xar
93.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:36 Upload new attachment Main.MasterCompoRelation.xar
92.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:36 Upload new attachment Main.CalculatedFields.xar
91.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:35 Upload new attachment Main.DynamicOptions.xar
90.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/06/22 16:35 Upload new attachment Main.Bestpractices.xar
89.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/31 15:18 Upload new attachment Base.xar
88.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/28 20:20
87.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/28 15:25
86.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/28 15:05
85.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/28 15:02
84.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/27 22:46
83.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/27 22:05
82.1 Pierre Dubois 2012/05/27 20:29
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