Changes for page Service Level Agreement Management
on 2011/04/06 22:08
on 2011/04/06 22:11
Page properties (1 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
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... ... @@ -59,3 +59,13 @@ 59 59 * Pause: void the deadline and add a pause 60 60 * Continue: resume the timer and recalculate the deadline taking in account the pauses 61 61 * Reset: void start, end time and deadline 62 + 63 +== Alerts == 64 + 65 +Alerts are defined in itilServiceLevelAlert (definition of the alert), as a component of itilServiceLevelAgreement. There may be several alerts on a SLA Definition. 66 + 67 +Actual alerts (instances related to an incident) are managed in the itilSLATimerAlert entity. 68 + 69 +There is a thread that pools the alerts based on trigger time (triggertime > now and status == active) and sends the notifications or updates the SLA level. 70 + 71 +