Changes for page Service Level Agreement Management
on 2011/04/06 21:48
on 2011/04/06 22:05
Page properties (1 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
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... ... @@ -40,8 +40,14 @@ 40 40 * a status: Started, Stopped, Paused 41 41 * a start time 42 42 * a deadline time = start time + maximum duration - pause time 43 -* an end time: time when the time actually stopped 43 +* an end time: time when the timer is actually stopped 44 44 * pauses 45 45 * alerts 46 46 * breach duration = duration between deadline and end time when end time > deadline 47 47 48 +Timers are managed by the application: 49 +\\At the incident level (imTicket) there are up to 5 SLA Definitions. Those SLA definitions (Applicable SLA 1 to 5) are used to track time on 5 different processes to manage incidents (for example resolution time, answer time, ...). Those 5 properties may be relabeled with a fragment on imTicket to adapt to your processes names. 50 +\\Once those SLA definitions are filled (either manually or more realistically programmatically through scripting), the application will manage the Timers based on the SLA Definition. 51 +\\So for example: 52 +\\When a ticket is submitted, the "Submit" operation may lookup the appropriate SLAs definition based on priority and fill itilSLA1 for answer time, itilSLA2 for resolution time, etc... 53 +\\Once the SLA definitions are set, the timers will be automatically created and managed.