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on 2015/10/23 18:22
on 2015/10/23 18:30
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... ... @@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ 80 80 * Use SQL if it is a single project and you are a SQL expert 81 81 * Use HQL if you build a product that can be used in various environment 82 82 83 -== Créationd'uneconnexion ==83 +== Building a connection == 84 84 85 - La création d'une sourcede donnéesse faitncliquantle boutoncorrespondantdans la barre d'outils de iReport:85 +Click on the Datasource button in the iReport toolbar 86 86 87 87 [[image:jsr-tool.jpg]] 88 88 89 - En cliquantsur le bouton"New",vouspouvez alorscréervotredatasource: JDBCpouruneconnexionSQL, ou"Dynapage Instance"pourune connexionqui utilisera le language HQL.89 +Click "New" to create your datasource: JDBC for a SQL connection, or "Dynapage Instance" for a HQL based connection 90 90 91 91 [[image:jsr-datasource.jpg]] 92 92 ... ... @@ -93,21 +93,21 @@ 93 93 [[image:jsr-sourceinst.jpg]] 94 94 95 95 96 -== QueryDynapage ==96 +== Dynapage Query == 97 97 98 98 99 - Unefois quevous êtesdansvotre rapport(après avoirfait "New"par exemple), vouspouvezcréer larequêtequivouspermettraderécupérer lesdonnéesdela base.99 +When you are in the report editor(Hit "New" menu to create one), you can enter the query that will populate the report 100 100 101 101 [[image:jsr-queryl.jpg]] 102 102 103 -=== Choix du languagedequery===103 +=== Query language selection === 104 104 105 - Attention pourleHQL surla baseRequea,ilfautchoisir"Dynapage QL"etnon"Hibernate Query Language (HQL)"105 +For Requea Dynapage based HQL, select"Dynapage QL", not "Hibernate Query Language (HQL)" 106 106 107 107 108 108 === Query === 109 109 110 - Voici unexemple(simple)dequery.Adroite,unarbreaffiche lespropriétés disponibles. Note:il fautparfois modifierlégèrementlaqueryàgauche (tapperun espace etl'enlever)pourque l'arbre se rafraichisseenparticulierquand ilest vide)110 +Here is a simple query example On the right, a tree view shows the available properties. Note: you need sometimes to modify the query (add / remove a character) for the list to be refreshed 111 111 112 112 [[image:jsr-query.jpg||alt="png"]] 113 113