Changes for page Performance
on 2011/02/25 09:55
on 2011/02/25 09:55
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... ... @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ 66 66 Solution: None. Loading and caching takes time, same with JSP compilation and search indexes first creation. If you restart your app, you reboot you server every night, you will just defeat all the caching mechanisms in place. And not only the Requea platform caches, but also the database server caches. If you have to reboot your server, just accept this first action slowness. If you do not have to reboot your server, just don't. We have platforms with uptime over 100 days running just fine. And most of the restarts are due to operating system security updates, not the platform itself. 67 67 68 68 69 - 1-Large database table, non optimized SQL execution plan69 +* Large database table, non optimized SQL execution plan 70 70 Symptoms: If you do complex querying on large tables, the database server make experience delays 71 71 Solution: Make sure that you have the right indices on your database. You can turn on SQL trace by creating an file in your WEB-INF/classes path and setting the hibernate.show_sql to true. This kind of problem starts on tables with over 100k records. If that's not the case, don't bother with this one. 72 72