Changes for page Getting started: Installing the Requea Platform on your machine
on 2011/01/26 14:13
on 2011/01/26 14:27
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... ... @@ -53,3 +53,12 @@ 53 53 The Requea Repository is an OSGi repository hosted at Requea used to manage Requea configurations. Since Requea applications are modular, each configuration describes which bundles (and bundle versions) should be installed on your dysoweb platform. A typical configuration contains the bundles for the platform and several bundles for the application you are installing. 54 54 55 55 A key is used to give access to a particular configuration. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a demo key which contains the open source dynapage platform and a few demo applications. 56 + 57 +Right to the auth key input field you have a link to request a key on the requea repo. Register if you have no account, and request a demo key. The Key will be sent to you by email. 58 + 59 +Enter a password for this platform. This password is the dysoweb administration platform. Do put an obvious platform and do not forget it (although there is a way to reset it in case you need). 60 + 61 +The platform will show you a list of bundles and products with some version numbers. Click on install and wait until all the bundles are downloaded and installed on your platform. (speed may depend on your network). 62 + 63 + 64 +