
Version 9.1 by Pierre Dubois on 2015/06/02 14:33


To add the cartography functionality, edit the file located in the folder tomcat/webapps/dysoweb/WEB-INF/classes:

  • add ",\" at the end of the last row.
  • then add the row "com.almworks.sqlite4java" atthe end of the file.

Edit the file requeadb.xml located in dysoweb.home/config by adding the row :

In the Requea interface, go to the menu System Parameters in the item l’onglet Administrator and modify these two parameters:

  • com.requea.osm.tiles.path : inform the path to  the .mbtiles file
  • com.requea.dynapage.geospatial.geomap : put the value OSM

Use Cartography

To display items on the map, you have to create an entity with a property type spacial Geometry and the format 2D Geodetic property :

To view the map from the .mbtiles file, create an entity derived from  GeoMapView:

Modify the script of the field Display rules or behavior in the properties sysView and sysZoom so that it point to your preferred location:



To display items on that map, edit the operation BuildMap with a script.

For example:

var map = {};
map.layers = [];
var layer;

layer = {};
layer.title = "Items";
layer.points = [];
layer.layers = [];

var centerX = 0;
var centerY = 0;
var nb = 0;
var flt = new Filter("seItem");

var iter =;

while(iter.hasNext()) {
   var item =;
   var pos = item.seGeoPosition;

   if(pos != null) {
       if(nb == 0) {
            centerX = pos.x;
            centerY = pos.y;
            nb = 1;
        } else {
            centerX = (pos.x + nb * centerX) / ( nb+1 );
            centerY = (pos.y + nb * centerY) / ( nb+1 );
            nb ++;

data = new Json(map);
Created by Pierre Dubois on 2015/06/02 11:21
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